Diggin' in

Find your place on the planet. Dig in, and take responsibility from there.
— Gary Snyder

Living and working on farms has allowed me the chance to discover and recognize the concept of place. By appreciating my surroundings, working with plants and witnessing seasonal cycles, I feel rooted.

Have I said how awesome my job is?! Just to rub it in a little more, here's a few shots from the last few days:

In bloom

There are many times throughout the farming season in which I realize how fortunate I am for the experience of it all - the seasons, the plants, the animals, the people, the food! - and to be surrounded by such inspiring imagery. If that's too much of a new-agey, let-me-roll-my-eyes-at-this-hippy statement for you, let me put it plainly: I'll take flower harvest over an indoor job any day!

Musings from the field 2013

Over the course of this farm season, I'll be blogging for Hunts Brook Farm, sharing my experiences, trying my hand as a farmer-philosopher and, more importantly, providing tasty recipes and tips. If you're at all interested in what I'm doing or looking for a meaningful, light-hearted distraction, check out the latest: On Community and Cucumbers.

Other recent posts: * The Great Garlic Harvest * Planning ahead * Beating the heat * Finding peace with pests * Let the season and greens begin * Of Spring, Sugar Snaps and the Season Ahead

Cucumber season is officially in full swing!

Cucumber season is officially in full swing!