The resources, recipes and commentary on Speak With Your Food are for you to enjoy, share, digest and discuss. This is non-commercial blog, driven at posts on "all things food, farming and sustainability." The author - me - retains full copyrights to her work. However, my posts are meant to be shared, as long as the author name and Speak With Your Food article URL are included, and no money is exchanged to view the article.
Comments will be monitored for relevance and civility - be polite!
Third Party Content + Fair Use
My blog exists as a resource for readers on food, so, you will find third party content on this site. I will always link to the original source. Speak With Your Food contains copyrighted material, the use of which is not always specifically authorized by the copyright owner. I am making this material available to our readers under the guise of "fair use" with a goal of advancing greater understanding of the politics, economical and societal aspects around given food issues. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed an interest in receiving it for research, educational and not-for-profit recreational purposes.
Product Reviews + Endorsements
I am occasionally sent products, books and/or materials to review, in which case this relationship is made apparent in posts. Rest assured, my opinions are my own and they cannot be bought! I will give honest reviews and feedback in the hopes of being as transparent as possible for you.