A praying mantis joins us for some potato digging. (Hunts Brook Farm; September 2013, A. Gross)
Latest musing(s) from the field: Greenhouse love
As I mentioned, I'll be blogging for Hunts Brook Farm throughout the 2013 season. My latest posts: * A living structure * The August shift * Keep calm & squash on * Listen to your veggies: Simplify!
Musings from the field 2013
Over the course of this farm season, I'll be blogging for Hunts Brook Farm, sharing my experiences, trying my hand as a farmer-philosopher and, more importantly, providing tasty recipes and tips. If you're at all interested in what I'm doing or looking for a meaningful, light-hearted distraction, check out the latest: On Community and Cucumbers.
Other recent posts: * The Great Garlic Harvest * Planning ahead * Beating the heat * Finding peace with pests * Let the season and greens begin * Of Spring, Sugar Snaps and the Season Ahead
Cucumber season is officially in full swing!