farm life

Frost is here

Us New Englanders were pretty spoiled with the recent fall weather...up until a few nights ago when the frost arrived. And, it looks like it's sticking around. At the farm, there's a stillness that the frost brings, sort of like a punctuation mark at the end of a very busy season. This morning, while we were waiting for things to warm up, I had the task of walking the old farm dog, Max, around the property. Buddled up, tea in hand and Max in tow, I took in the frost.

(1) The quarry ponds awake. (2) Even the insidious mugwort can be admired in the frost. (3) Frosted boots. (4) Bedazzled grass. (5) Max, the resident farm dog, enjoys the morning jaunt. (6) Goldenrod. (7) Clover. (Hunts Brook Farm, October 25, 2013 - A.Gross)

If you can brave getting out of your cozy bed in the morning, I encourage you to wake up a bit earlier and experience this time of day. You'll feel surprisingly refreshed! 

Fall on the farm

October is the month of painted leaves. Their rich glow now flashes round the world. As fruits and leaves and the day itself acquire a bright tint just before they fall, so the year near its setting. October is its sunset sky; November the later twilight.
— Henry David Thoreau

You can read about my latest October farming experiences on the Hunts Brook Farm blog.

Late summer sights

I've always appreciated late summer in New England. During early morning harvests, the air is a bit more biting than a few weeks prior and it smells of early, falling foliage. I seem to feel most rooted to my surroundings during this time of year as we head into autumn. It's also a time filled with mixed emotions, as the end of the farming season is in sight, but the harvest is still plentiful. Here are a few shots from the farm and some recent trips:

We abuse land because we see it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.
— Aldo Leopold