
A visit to Mystic Seaport

Mystic Seaport was one of my favorite places to visit when I was growing up. Because I was born a giant nerd, I remember requesting to visit there for my birthday. I also thoroughly enjoyed school field trips to the historic site. I never went as far as to dress up in a costume or sing sea shanties, but I was never embarassed to show my enthusiasm. (Ah, geek confidence - can't beat it!) Although I've lived in the southeastern part of Connecticut for two years now, I haven't visited my ol' stomping grounds - until a few weekends ago!

I returned to the Seaport with my friend (hi, Christina!) to tour the site because her wedding reception will be there next September and we wanted to get some decorating ideas. (We became aware, based on the docents' surprised but enthusiastic greetings in different locations, that we, as two female 20-somethings, were not the organization's typical demographic.) We toured on a beautiful fall day, and I took a few shots to share...

Late summer sights

I've always appreciated late summer in New England. During early morning harvests, the air is a bit more biting than a few weeks prior and it smells of early, falling foliage. I seem to feel most rooted to my surroundings during this time of year as we head into autumn. It's also a time filled with mixed emotions, as the end of the farming season is in sight, but the harvest is still plentiful. Here are a few shots from the farm and some recent trips:

We abuse land because we see it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.
— Aldo Leopold