Tea thyme

My friend Nicole told me about an excellent cold remedy: thyme tea.

Thyme is a favorite cooking herb of mine, so at first I wasn't convinced about drinking it. But, after more than a week of coughing, sneezing and general frustration with being sick, I made a cup of this tea. In a term: life-changing. Within fifteen minutes of sipping the tea, my sinuses cleared and I could breath! TMI? Sorry, but really, try it:
Thyme tisane
- Steep one teaspoon of dry thyme (I used creeping thyme, which is said to have the greatest medicinal benefits) or two teaspoons of fresh thyme in boiling water.
- Let steep for 10 minutes, and, add honey to taste (although optional, and, of course, agave or sugar can be substituted, honey also has soothing, demulcent properties)
There you go. That simple.


Ok. So I've been thinking about this for a little over a year now, but...drumroll...

I'm going to eat eggs and use honey.


After being vegan for five years, and ascribing to the whole lifestyle, I've come to the realization that it's not as practical and/or environmental as I once thought. I boycotted the factory farm and CAFO model because the animals who are raised in that environment are miserable, and, I still remain a staunch opponent. But, having worked on an organic farm, engrossed myself in studies on and about the local, sustainable and organic food movement, I know that small, regional and sustainable ("beyond organic") farms treat their animals with respect and still ascribe to the "ahimsa" - do no harm - mantra central to the vegan ideology, without even acknowledging it. In short, it's common sense and second nature.

For me, I'd rather eat an egg from a hen that I know is happy than use powdery egg replacer made of a million ingredients of which I don't know their country of origin. Or, use honey from a local apiary than agave shipped from thousands of miles away. This doesn't mean scrambled eggs or honey-sweetened foods everyday, but I can incorporate them into my life without feeling an enormous sense of guilt.

What should I call myself now - vegetarian? Ovoterian? Vegan-ish (still can't eat dairy - allergic)? Do I need a label? For now, the only additions to my diet will be only local eggs and honey from farms that I know and that need our support if we are to ever a truly sustainable, socially and environmentally conscious food movement.

Any former vegans out there? I'd love to hear your story!

Cooking = procrastination tactic #1

If someone asked me what my dream job would be at this moment in my life it would a recipe tester, cookbook author and/or a vegan food writer. I love the topics I write about, and, fortunately, many of them deal with food in some capacity. But, during my self-determined breaks - probably more than usual - as a freelance writer, I've been trying out different recipes. Here's some from today:


3 cups oats (I used 2 c. thick, rolled oats; 1 c. quick-cooking)

1/2 c. slivered almonds

1/4 c. raw sunflower seeds

1/2 c. chopped walnuts

2 tsp. cinnamon

healthy pinches of ground ginger, cloves, nutmeg

pinch of sea salt

1/2 c. (or less) of maple syrup

2/3 c. (or less) oil (canola, safflower or sunflower work best)

1/2 c. raisins and/or cranberries

Set oven to bake 350F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.Dump the oats, almonds, sunflower seeds and walnuts into a medium-sized bowl until well combined. Add in the spices and salt, and toss once again.Add the maple syrup and oil and toss until all ingredients are well coated. Pour the mixture onto the baking sheet, and bake for 20 minutes, stirring the granola on the pan in 5 min. intervals (4 times throughout the baking process).When finished, set aside to cool on the baking sheet. Once cool, add the raisins and/or cranberries. If there's another dried fruit or ingredient you'd like to add, this is the time to do it.

- The finished product will yield about 1 qt of granola and it will last up to a month in an air-tight glass jar.

Ok. So that's a snack and/or breakfast option. Here's what I had for lunch and dinner, because I know you're


to know...

Curried carrot soup w/roasted garlic

2 Tbs. olive oil

4 large carrots, peeled, cut into think slices/rounds of equal size

1 red onion, peeled and diced

1 clove roasted garlic (you can use fresh, but roasting the garlic ahead of time gives it the taste that the souphas been cooking all day)

1-2 cups veggie stock

3-4 cups water

1 baked potato, skin removed and flesh chopped (opt., but adds a creamy texture to the soup and it justhappened to be in my fridge)

healthy Tbl. of curry powder

generous grind of your pepper mill

pinch of red pepper flakes

Heat the oil in a medium-sized pot and add in the onions until translucent and/or browns on theedges.Add the carrots and cook for 5-10 minutes to soften slightly. Add the curry powder and pepper. Addthe broth and water, bring it to a boil and bring down simmer for 25-30, or until the carrots arecooked through. Add the potato and cook for one minute more.Remove from heat and blend with an immersion blender, or carefully place in a regular blender, tocreate your desired texture. Return to pot and warm through before serving. Serve with homemadecroutons.

These recipes are easily adaptable and can be adjusted upon your tastes or quantity desired. And, they're all vegan, but don't really require any special ingredients. Happy procrastinating!

Side note: I'm currently looking to get a food license so I can sell granola and other vegan treats. But, in the meantime, if you want to find out about any of my specialities or have requests, let me know!

Beating cabin fever and a possible fever

If you live in the Northeast, and specifically, Western Connecticut, it's winter. That means snow in all forms, bone-chilling wind and layers of clothing. And, of course, the possibility of catching a cold or getting the blahs. That's exactly how I felt the other day, but was able to beat whatever was going on in my head, mentally and physically, without going to the doctor OR wallowing in self-pity.

Take a Bath!A few months ago, I spoke to a naturopathic physician while I was writing an article about wellness for E Magazine. He suggested that an inexpensive and effective way to fight infection is to take a hot bath. Here's what I wrote:

Connecticut-based naturopathic physician Mark J. Romano suggests that taking a hot bath can alleviate stress and sweat viruses out of the body by inducing a fever. “I prescribe it to my patients, and I do it myself,” says Romano. “It’s a really good way to boost your immunity and help your body fight off a virus with a fever.”

By soaking in a hot bath for about 20 minutes and raising the body’s temperature up to 101 degrees Fahrenheit, it creates a natural immunity to start to fight the virus.

My bath may have been a little too hot - my skin was quite pink - but try this ancient and common sense method that totally works!

Feed the cold = fight the cold

Not just an old wives' tale, as your body needs the benefits of good nutrition to make you feel better from the inside out. After my bath, I made myself an energizing and wholesome green blueberry smoothie, loaded in antioxidants, Omega-3s, fiber and protein. Here's my recipe:

Green Blueberry Smoothie

1 cup frozen blueberries - it's great if you use your own which you froze from the summer

1 cup non-dairy milk - I used an organic soy/rice milk

2 Tbls flaxseed meal

1 giant handful of fresh spinach - you can use frozen too, but just adjust the liquid in the recipe as needed

1 Tbls of maple syrup - agave works too, but you can't beat local maple syrup; add more or less depending on your taste

Blend all together until all ingredients are incorporated and smooth. Stir as necessary and add liquid if the mixer is too thick. What you should end up with is a tasty and beautiful drink. If you have the time, this mixture can be easily frozen in a freezer-safe container and eaten as a sorbet or shaved ice OR carefully poured into an ice cube tray to save for later or added to water. I still think the best way is to drink it the day it's made!

If something cold in the morning isn't your style, make a fresh cup of green tea or chai tea with loose leaves. You can definitely taste the difference from the bagged stuff. Also, a little bit goes a long way, so the slightly higher initial cost of good, loose tea is justified. Green tea has a wealth of antioxidants, and chai tea contains warming spices, including cardamom, cinnamon and ginger, that stimulate circulation. Or, simply dissolve lemon juice in hot water. It's simple, but it's very clean tasting. Experiment with different teas and tisanes to see which one you like the best and those that have the most nutritional benefits.

For a more substantial meal, try making your own soup. The canned soup just doesn't measure up and it's way too salty. Try some delicious carrot soup (beta carotene) with roasted garlic and onions (prevents and destroys bacteria and virus). These ingredients aren't expensive this time of year and are still likely available at most winter farmers' markets because they're all storage crops. Every person has their own way of making soup, so I won't bore you with my way.

The moral of the story...

Clearly none of these suggestions are unheard of, but sometimes we can stress ourselves out when sick, making us feel even worse. If you're snowed in or just don't feel like making the trek outside, having simple ingredients in your pantry and hot water goes a long way on the road to wellness.